
On 17, 18 and 19 February 2011, NISE cojointly with SPIN (Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms) organised a workshop on Choral societies and nationalist mobilization in nineteenth-century Europe. This workshop was held in the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (Faculty of the Artesis University College) and was made...

To make NISE better known, a brochure and a framework text have been recently published. NISE is based on the cooperation of partners (individual and institutional) throughout Europe. Moreover it also has to reach as many as possible potential users (students, researchers, press etc.), using all...

Two new organisational layers have been added to NISE: an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors. They will guide and assist the day-to-day work of the coordinators. The steady development of NISE has now reached a stage necessitating a more elaborated organisational structure. Therefore two extra...

The Scientific Council (SC) has to reflect the topical and geographical diversity of the history of national and regional movements. In view of this fundamental guideline, the SC has over the last year been enlarged with the following academics: Peter Aronsson, Todor Čepreganov, Alexey Miller...

The database, which is integrated within ODIS, constitutes the core of NISE. Over the last year it has been further developed, with its launch foreseen for 2011. The NISE database is integrated into ODIS, assisting in the process the Flemish database with its own international new...

The network of heritage and/or research institutes with national/regional movements as (part of) their field of interest, has been steadily expanding. The following institutes became member over the last year: Fryske Akademy, Tresoar,  Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Abertzaletasunaren Agiritegia, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, Svenska Centralarkivet...

The first NISE Conference was held on 27 and 28 May 2010 in Skopje (Macedonia). Host was the Institut za nacionalna istorija (the Institute for National History) of Macedonia. The event had two main themes, linked intrinsically with the project: the first subject of entry for...

During the NISE Conference, a Round Table on the archives of national and regional movements was held. The Round Table wanted to draw up an inventory of the problems faced and the solutions applied by the institutes holding those kind of sources. Heritage and research institutes...

Eunamus is a European project with eigth university institutes. It examines comparatively the creation of national museums and specifically the conditions for using the past to recreate citizenship.