Round Table
During the NISE Conference, a Round Table on the archives of national and regional movements was held. The Round Table wanted to draw up an inventory of the problems faced and the solutions applied by the institutes holding those kind of sources.
Heritage and research institutes with national and regional movements as (part of) their field of interest, are very diverse in legal status (public, private), materials (archives, library, documentation), activity (research, education, museum) and subject matter (general, nation, language). They however are all confronted with problems that are specifically linked with their subject. Some of those problems are due to local circumstances. But others are common to all of or many institutes.
It seemed therefore useful to draw up an inventory of the problems and of the solutions applied, so as to be able to determine best practices and arrive at benchmarking.
With this in mind, a Round Table (RT) was held at the Institute for National History in Skopje (Macedonia) on May 28, 2010. The RT formed part of the first NISE conference on 27 and 28 May 2010. During the conference a number of contributions by several institutes in one way or another involved with the sources of national movements, were held. All heritage and research institutes with national and regional movements as (part of) their field of interest were invited.