
The second NISELecture will be delivered by prof. dr. Peter Aronsson on 27 March 2014 in Antwerp. The subject is the role played by national museums in identity formation in Europe. Identity is made out of culture. National museums are a highly institutionalised presentations of knowledge,...

NISE organises, together with UNPO, a workshop on archival awareness on Monday 31 March 2014 at the ADVN archives and research centre in Antwerp (Belgium). UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation) is an international organisation established in 1991 at the Peace Palace in The Hague (The...

NISE has published the 2012 SPIN lecture by Anne-Marie Thiesse on the use made of so-called traditional folk art for the modern formation of nations. This building block in the cultural construction of the nation as imagined community, part of its personification as a physical body,...

The program and registration form for the launch of the ODIS database, holding the NISE data infrastructure, is now available. The launch event takes place at the Flemish Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) on 29 November 2013.

On 26 September 2013 John Breuilly opened the new NISELectures series. His subject was the search for a global history of nationalism. You can now hear his lecture on the NISE website. Go to the podcast....

On 17-18 September 2014, NISE organises a conference in Vilnius on the notion of heroism in national movements. During this first event of an ambitious project on ‘Heroes and protagonists’, meant to assess and compare the role of both glorified and mostly invisible individuals in European nationalisms, the mechanics of national hero worship will be unravelled.

The NISE membership is constantly growing. This was also the case over the last few months, with new entrants for the Network, the Partnership, the Scientific Council and the IAB.