‘The Basque Contention: Ethnicity, Politics, Violence’. The new book by NISE’s Scientific Council member, Prof. Ludger Mees.
The Basque Contention: Ethnicity, Politics, Violence. Routledge, 19 jul. 2019 – 288 p.
In his new book, Mees dismantles the widespread simplistic vision of the “Basque conflict”, that irremediably binds the existence of a conflict between the Basque people and Spain over their sovereignty with terrorism as a result of that conflict, and puts forward a historical analysis of the wider political issues at the heart of the Basque Country.
To that “simplistic vision” Mees opposes a “complex reality” in which the Basque society is presented as plural and as a community that still needs to internally agree on the way and the model upon which they want to build up their own future.
About the author:
Ludger Mees (Essen, 1957) is an German historian expert in history of the Basque nationalist movement. He currently holds the position of Professor at the University of the Basque Country. He is also member of the Scientific Council of NISE.