November 24: NISELecture 4: Carrie Hamilton, Antwerp (Belgium)
October 4 & 10: Annual meeting with CMC, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) & Antwerp (Belgium)
October 4: Publication of article Everyday nationalism by Eleanor Knott in SoN
September 8: Conference Protagonists, Prague (Czech Republic)
September 7: Fourth meeting of the Network of NISE, Prague (Czech Republic)
September 7: Seventh meeting of the Scientific Council of NISE, Prague (Czech Republic)
September 6: Fourth meeting of the General Assembly of NISE non-profit association, Prague (Czech Republic)
September 5-6: Workshop Nations and Nationalism from the margins, Prague (Czech Republic)
September 5-8: Annual Gathering, Prague (Czech Republic)
September – December: Bibliographical instrument The State of Nationalism – project 3/1
August 25: Publication of article Nationalism and sport by Dario Brentin & Laurence Cooley in SoN
August 25: Eighth meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)
July 01: Participation in the Nodegoat community event, Mons (Belgium)
June 30: Prospecting visit Digital Archive of the Roma, London (United Kingdom)
June 29: Prospecting visit Centre for Kurdish Studies, University of Exeter, Exeter (United Kingdom)
June 28: Prospecting visit Institute of Cornish Studies, University of Exeter, Penryn (United Kingdom)
June 07: Meeting with Vlaams Vredesinstituut, Brussels (Belgium)
May 27-28: Workshop ‘Breaching banal nationalism’, Antwerp (Belgium)
April 27: Co-organisation of session on digital history on the Day of Contemporary History, Brussels (Belgium)
April 21-22-23: DIANE training session, Zagreb (Croatia)
April 21: Sixteenth issue of NISELetter
March 14: Publication of article Transnationalism by Gayle Munro in SoN
March: Publication of the report of the Ambulant Archival Services project
February 24: Seventh meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)