December 7: Fifteenth issue of NISELetter
December 3-4: Conference Reloading the nation?, Brussels (Belgium)
November 27: Presentation of DIANE at the launch of DARIAH-BE, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 19-20: Meeting of DIANE Working Group, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 19: NISELecture 3: Ostap Sereda, Antwerp (Belgium)
October 14-15: Attending the International Conference ‘War & Fatherland: Nations, Identities and the First World War’, Brussels (Belgium)
October 6: Annual meeting with CMC, Brussels (Belgium)
September: Publication of the proceedings of the Workshop on Choral Societies and Nationalist Mobilization (together with SPIN)
September 23: Members’ meeting of NISE, Vienna (Austria)
September 22-23: Database training session, Vienna (Austria)
September 3: Members’ meeting of NISE, Swansea (Wales)
September 3: Third meeting of the General Assembly of NISE non-profit association, Swansea (Wales)
September 3: Database training session, Swansea (Wales)
September 2: Presentation of the database, Swansea (Wales)
September 1-3: Annual Gathering, Swansea (Wales)
August 27: Fourteenth issue of NISELetter
August 27: Virtual Executive Board
July 10: Sixth meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)
May – December: Bibliographical instrument The State of Nationalism – project 2
April 27-29: ICARUS meeting, Prague (Czech Republic)
April 21: Launch of The State of Nationalism (SoN), London (United Kingdom)
April 17: Publication of article Cultural nationalism by Eric Taylor Woods in SoN
April 2: Prospecting visit Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb (Croatia)
April 2: Prospecting visit University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, History Department, Zagreb (Croatia)
March 31: Prospecting visit Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
March 31: Prospecting visit Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
March 25: Fifth meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)
January 13: Thirteenth issue of NISELetter