December 23: Presentation NISE at Faronet Project database
November 30: Prospecting visit Lazkaoko Beneditarren Fundazioa, Lazkao (Spain)
November 30: Prospecting visit Ciemen, Barcelona (Spain)
November 29: Prospecting visit Fundació Josep Irla, Barcelona (Spain)
November 29: Prospecting visit Fundación Sancho el Sabio, Gasteiz (Spain)
November 23: Prospecting visit Herder-Institut, Marburg (Germany)
November 22: Presentation of NISE at ICARUS conference, Marburg (Germany)
November 18: Exhibition Portrayal of nationalist conflicts, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 18: Session of Conference Translation and National Images, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 17: Database seminar, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 17: Publication of the proceedings of the first NISE conference
November 4: Lecture at workshop Minorities and New Media, Flensburg (Germany)
October 26: Meeting of the Executive Committee, Leuven (Belgium))
October 3: Meeting of the Executive Committee, Antwerp (Belgium)
September 30: Fifth issue of NISELetter
September 19: Prospecting visit Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS), Sofia (Bulgaria)
September 17: Co-presentation Greek-Macedonian dictionary, Lerin/Florina (Greece)
September 5: Annual meeting with CMC, Antwerp (Belgium)
August 24: Prospecting visit I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Lviv (Ukraine)
August 24: Prospecting visit Associated Members – Ostap Sereda, Lviv (Ukraine)
August 23: Prospecting visit State Archives, Katowice (Poland)
August 23: Prospecting visit Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice (Poland)
August 24: Prospecting visit Associated Members – Małgorzata Myśliwiec, Katowice (Poland)
May 27: Third meeting of the Scientific Council of NISE, Vienna (Austria)
May 27: Lecture by Alan Sked on ‘Nations and Empires’, Vienna (Austria)
May 26-27: Annual Gathering, Vienna (Austria)
May 23: Submission of application for project “Building cultural nations. The matica and equivalent intermediary structures in Europe” within ESF-Exploratory Workshop program
May 11: Prospecting visit ADVN, Aabenraa (Denmark)
May 11: Prospecting visit European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg (Germany)
May 10: Prospecting visit Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig, Flensburg (Germany)
May 10: Prospecting visit Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), Flensburg (Germany)
May 6: Fourth issue of NISELetter
May 4: Database meeting, Leuven (Belgium)
April 14: Prospecting visit An Foras Feasa, Maynooth (Ireland)
April 7: Prospecting visit CRIB, Rennes (France)
April 5: Prospecting visit Institut Culturel de Bretagne (ICB), Vannes (France)
March 16: Meeting of the Executive Committee, Antwerp (Belgium)
February 18-19: Workshop on Choral Societies and Nationalist Mobilization in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Antwerp (Belgium)