December 30: Publication Monograph 1: Arts & Crafts / A.-M. Thiesse
December 16-20: Consulting Eusko Alkartasuna, Bilbao (Spain) [Ambulant Archival Services project]
December 02-06: Consulting Moravané, Brno (Czech Republic) [Ambulant Archival Services project]
December 2: General meeting with UNPO, Antwerp (Belgium)
December 2: Annual meeting with CMC, Antwerp (Belgium)
November 29: ODIS seminar, Flemish Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)
October 23: Prospecting visit Caucasus Research Resource Centers, Tbilisi (Georgia)
October 22: Prospecting visit International School for Caucasus Studies, Tbilisi (Georgia)
October 22-24: Prospecting Kurdish archives, Tbilisi (Georgia)
October 11: Second meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)
September 27: Practice session ODIS database, Antwerp (Belgium)
September 26: Launch of promotion campaign SNM
September 26: NISELecture 1: John Breuilly, Antwerp (Belgium)
September 18: Tenth issue of NISELetter
September 10: Prospecting visit Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute of History, Bratislava (Slovakia)
September 10: Prospecting visit Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute of Philosophy, Bratislava (Slovakia)
September 10: Prospecting visit Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute of Slovak Literature, Bratislava (Slovakia)
June 25-26: ICARUS meeting, Dublin (Ireland)
May 15: Debate: The pre-modernity of nations and nationalism, Marburg (Germany)
May 15: Debate: The asynchronicity of national movements, Marburg (Germany)
May 15: Second meeting of the Network of NISE, Marburg (Germany)
May 15: Fifth meeting of the Scientific Council of NISE, Marburg (Germany)
May 15: First meeting of the General Assembly of NISE non-profit association, Marburg (Germany)
May 14-16: Annual Gathering, Marburg (Germany)
May 7: Ninth issue of NISELetter
April 30: First issue of SNM
April 19: First meeting of the Executive Board of NISE non-profit association, Antwerp (Belgium)
April 11: Prospecting visit Istitut Cultural Ladin “Majon di Fascegn”, Vigo di Fassa (Italy)
April 11: Prospecting visit Istitut Ladin “Micurà de Rü”, San Martino di Badia (Italy)
April 4-5: Lecture on the archival sources of national movements at the conference on the Union Démocratique Bretonne, organised at IEP de Rennes (France)
February 15: Establishment of the non-profit association