December 18: Eighth issue of NISELetter
November 7: Presentation of NISE at An Foras Feasa seminar, University of Maynooth (Ireland)
September 28: Prospecting Balochi movement, Brussels (Belgium)
September 28: Prospecting UNPO, Brussels (Belgium)
September 27: Submission of application for project “Alterity, Nation-Building and Conflict” within EU-COST-program
September 21: Attending Seminar World Network for Collective Rights of Peoples, EP, Brussels (Belgium)
September 14: Annual meeting with CMC, Antwerp (Belgium)
August 31: Preparatory meeting Conference 2014, Vilnius (Lithuania)
August 29: Prospecting visit LU Latvijas vēstures institūts, Riga (Latvia)
August 28: Prospecting visit Ajaloo Instituut, Tallinn (Estonia)
August 17: Meeting with prospective partner Lessius University College, Antwerp (Belgium)
July 16: Seventh issue of NISELetter
July 6 & 9: Consulting EFA archives, EFA, Brussels (Belgium)
June 25-26: ICARUS meeting, EU Project WWI, Einsiedeln (Switzerland)
June 15: Presentation of NISE at ODIS public meeting, Liberaal Archief, Ghent (Belgium)
June 14: Publication of Proceedings 2: results of the Guide to the Archives-project
June 6: Meeting with ODIS, Kadoc, Leuven (Belgium)
May 23: Signing of the statutes of the non-profit association, Barcelona (Spain)
May 23: Debate: The historiography of national movements, Barcelona (Spain)
May 23: Fourth meeting of the Scientific Council of NISE, Barcelona (Spain)
May 22-24: Annual Gathering, Barcelona (Spain)
April 24: Prospecting visit British Library, London (United Kingdom)
March 31: Submission of report regarding 3th stage of project for Flemish Ministry of Culture
March 24: Presentation results Guide to the Archives-project at EFA conference, Leeuwarden (The Netherlands)
March 23: Presentation of the OJS system to the Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden (The Netherlands)
February 21: Final report Guide to the Archives-project to CMC (+ launch database and manual on website)
February 14-15-16: Workshop Building cultural nations. The matica and equivalent intermediary structures in Europe, Budapest (Hungary)
January 26: Sixth issue of NISELetter
January 16: Meeting of the Executive Committee, Antwerp (Belgium)
January 09: Prospecting Network with CEFF/SFV [spokesperson Erik Laureys], Antwerp (Belgium)