NISE launches the Call for Papers for the International Conference on 'National forgetting and memory:  the destruction of "national" monuments from a comparative perspective' [caption id="attachment_17761" align="alignright" width="300"] Destruction of the Yser Tower. 15-16 March 1946.[/caption] Organised in cooperation with CEGESOMA and the Museum at...

  Catalan Nationalism and the Quest for Independence in the Twenty-First Century: A Historical Perspective / Xosé M. Núñez Seixas. Antwerp, Peristyle, 2020. This volume summarizes the content of the 7th NISELecture, held in Antwerp on 5 November 2019, which gave a historical outlook on the recent...

NISE is proud to announce the publication of the 5th volume of  its peer-reviewed scientific journal, Studies on National Movements (SNM). This interesting volume includes articles developped in the aftermath of the NISE Conference 2019 held in Warsaw, a section devoted to SoN articles, as well as two...